Source code for glotaran.utils.ipython

"""Glotaran module with utilities for ``ipython`` integration (e.g. ``notebooks``)."""
from __future__ import annotations

from collections import UserString
from os import PathLike

[docs]class MarkdownStr(UserString): """String wrapper class for rich display integration of markdown in ipython.""" def __init__(self, wrapped_str: str, *, syntax: str = None): """String class automatically displayed as markdown by ipython. Parameters ---------- wrapped_str: str String to be wrapped. syntax: str Syntax highlighting which should be applied, by default None Note ---- Possible syntax highlighting values can e.g. be found here: """ # This needs to be called data since ipython is looking for this attr = str(wrapped_str) self.syntax = syntax def _repr_markdown_(self) -> str: """Special method used by ``ipython`` to render markdown. See: Returns ------- str: Markdown string wrapped in a code block with syntax highlighting if syntax is not None. """ if self.syntax is not None: return f"```{self.syntax}\n{}\n```" else: return def __str__(self) -> str: """Representation used by print and str.""" return self._repr_markdown_() def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: """Equality check.""" if isinstance(other, (str, MarkdownStr)): return str(self) == str(other) else: return NotImplemented
[docs]def display_file(path: str | PathLike[str], *, syntax: str = None) -> MarkdownStr: """Display a file with syntax highlighting ``syntax``. Parameters ---------- path : str | PathLike[str] Paths to the file syntax : str, optional Syntax highlighting which should be applied, by default None Returns ------- MarkdownStr File content with syntax highlighting to render in ipython. """ with open(path, encoding="utf8") as file: return MarkdownStr(, syntax=syntax)