Source code for glotaran.builtin.megacomplexes.spectral.shape

"""This package contains the spectral shape item."""

import numpy as np

from glotaran.model import ModelItemTyped
from glotaran.model import ParameterType
from glotaran.model import item

[docs]@item class SpectralShape(ModelItemTyped): pass
[docs]@item class SpectralShapeGaussian(SpectralShape): """A Gaussian spectral shape""" type: str = "gaussian" amplitude: ParameterType | None = None location: ParameterType width: ParameterType
[docs] def calculate(self, axis: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: r"""Calculate a normal Gaussian shape for a given ``axis``. The following equation is used for the calculation: .. math:: f(x, A, x_0, \Delta) = A \exp \left({- \frac{ \log{\left(2 \right) \left(2(x - x_{0})\right)^{2} }}{\Delta^{2}}}\right) The parameters of the equation represent the following attributes of the shape: - :math:`x` : ``axis`` - :math:`A` : ``amplitude`` - :math:`x_0` : ``location`` - :math:`\Delta` : ``width`` In this formalism, :math:`\Delta` represents the full width at half maximum (FWHM). Compared to the more common definition :math:`\exp \left(- (x-\mu )^{2}/(2\sigma^{2})\right)` we have :math:`\sigma = \Delta/(2\sqrt{2\ln(2)})=\Delta/2.35482` Parameters ---------- axis : np.ndarray The axis to calculate the shape for. Returns ------- np.ndarray An array representing a Gaussian shape. """ shape = np.exp(-np.log(2) * np.square(2 * (axis - self.location) / self.width)) if self.amplitude is not None: shape *= self.amplitude return shape
[docs]@item class SpectralShapeSkewedGaussian(SpectralShapeGaussian): """A skewed Gaussian spectral shape""" type: str = "skewed-gaussian" skewness: ParameterType
[docs] def calculate(self, axis: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: r"""Calculate the skewed Gaussian shape for ``axis``. The following equation is used for the calculation: .. math:: f(x, x_0, A, \Delta, b) = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} 0 & \mbox{if } \theta \leq 0 \\ A \exp \left({- \dfrac{\log{\left(2 \right)} \log{\left(\theta(x, x_0, \Delta, b) \right)}^{2}}{b^{2}}}\right) & \mbox{if } \theta > 0 \end{array} \right. With: .. math:: \theta(x, x_0, \Delta, b) = \frac{2 b \left(x - x_{0}\right) + \Delta}{\Delta} The parameters of the equation represent the following attributes of the shape: - :math:`x` : ``axis`` - :math:`A` : ``amplitude`` - :math:`x_0` : ``location`` - :math:`\Delta` : ``width`` - :math:`b` : ``skewness`` Where :math:`\Delta` represents the full width at half maximum (FWHM), see :func:`calculate_gaussian`. Note that in the limit of skewness parameter :math:`b` equal to zero :math:`f(x, x_0, A, \Delta, b)` simplifies to a normal gaussian (since :math:`\lim_{b \to 0} \frac{\ln(1+bx)}{b}=x`), see the definition in :func:`SpectralShapeGaussian.calculate`. Parameters ---------- axis : np.ndarray The axis to calculate the shape for. Returns ------- np.ndarray An array representing a skewed Gaussian shape. """ if np.allclose(self.skewness, 0): return super().calculate(axis) log_args = 1 + (2 * self.skewness * (axis - self.location) / self.width) shape = np.zeros(log_args.shape) valid_arg_mask = np.where(log_args > 0) shape[valid_arg_mask] = np.exp( -np.log(2) * np.square(np.log(log_args[valid_arg_mask]) / self.skewness) ) if self.amplitude is not None: shape *= self.amplitude return shape
[docs]@item class SpectralShapeOne(SpectralShape): """A constant spectral shape with value 1""" type: str = "one"
[docs] def calculate(self, axis: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """calculate calculates the shape. Parameters ---------- axis: np.ndarray The axis to calculate the shape on. Returns ------- shape: numpy.ndarray """ return np.ones(axis.shape[0])
[docs]@item class SpectralShapeZero(SpectralShape): """A constant spectral shape with value 0""" type: str = "zero"
[docs] def calculate(self, axis: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """calculate calculates the shape. Only works after calling ``fill``. Parameters ---------- axis: np.ndarray The axis to calculate the shape on. Returns ------- shape: numpy.ndarray """ return np.zeros(axis.shape[0])